Create new
music using AI

We've got all the music skills you need, and we use them to generate music in under a minute!
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Pop, red moon
Pop, broken heart
Electronic, dance beat
Rock, purple sky
Rock, stargate
Pop, poseidon
Electronic, sound garden
Classical, city lights
Hip hop, outer world
Rock, nebula
Pop, red moon
Pop, broken heart
Electronic, dance beat
Rock, purple sky
Rock, stargate
Pop, poseidon
Electronic, sound garden
Classical, city lights
Hip hop, outer world
Rock, nebula

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Generate music in your favorite style with just a few clicks!

Simply plug in the title of your new song and your favorite style, and wait a few seconds for our software to generate unique music. No more having to spend hundreds of hours creating music yourself!

Create music using state-of-the-art AI

Whether it’s about heartbreak or romance, you can be certain that it will generate the appropriate words in the proper structure for your song. If you wish you can continue generating music multiple times until you are satisfied with your new song.

How it works

Pick a genre

Select your style of music from a variety of genres including pop, hip hop, rap, rock, country, etc. It's never been easier to write a hit song or find inspiration for writing one of your own.

Choose your style

What's your favorite style? Our AI-powered generator creates new music based on your favorite style.

Add your lyrics

Have writers block and need inspiration ? Add your own lyrics and use it to jump start your creativity! Or add lyrics from your favorite song and our generator will continue writing lyrics for it.

How is AI used in music?

Artificial intelligence is the latest trend in the world of music. In the past few years, AI has become a big deal in the music industry. It is being used to transform the way we create, perform, and appreciate music. The AI revolution is not just limited to one sector...
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Ready to get started?

Hip Hop Music
Pop Music
Rap Music
Classical Music
Electronic Music
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